Since I haven't posted in a while (sorry about that) I thought it would be a good time for me to give ya'll a few updates! John is on his first patrol on the CGC Alex Haley. He will be home sometime around Hydie's birthday. We miss John tons but are so thankful for email and cell phones! I have actually gotten to speak with him over the phone twice since they left. It gives me goose bumps every time I hear his voice!

Hydie is growing like a weed! She is almost walking and is getting into everything! She is saying a few words now. She says Dadda and Bubba on a very regular basis. We are guess that she is getting Bubba from my friend Jana's little boy because we call him Bubba. That's what we are saying anyways! Hydie also has 4 teeth coming in all at once on the top. Can we say orajel???

I am still taking 13 hours of college classes this semester and I just quit my job at Coastline Computers. My last day was yesterday. It was sad to leave but I had become very overwelmed by working full time, school full time and full time Mommy AND Daddy! To say the least I have been quite stressed the past couple weeks and everyone around me could tell! However, today was my first day back to being a stay at home mom and I loved every minute of it! Yes, I still have tons to catch up on but it will get done!

Hydie and I are planning our trip back home for Christmas. Since I am not working anymore and will only be taking online classes next semester, I have decided to not just come home for Christmas but from Christmas until sometime in February! We are so excited that we are going to be able to visit family and actually get to spend time with everyone unlike our other trips where we were running around like crazy!
SO Happy to see new pics of Hydie Grace!!! We can't wait to see you all at Christmas!!! What would be a good gift for us to get Hydie for her birthday?
Yippee for updates! Glad you have a little bit of a stress relief by quitting - that is the best feeling! We miss you guys!
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