We have had a semi-productive week I guess you would call it. We went to the park several times, I baked, John went halibut fishing, John and Hydie went fishing, I had an interview, Hydie and I had movie night, we celebrated Father's Day, and I saw my first "dumpster diving bear." Yeah, I would say we've had a week worth writing about!

John and our neighbor Andrew finally after many attempts to rent the Coast Guard morale rental boats were about to go out halibut fishing. I believe this was Andrew's first time halibut fishing. To say the least, they had a blast! After being gone most of the day, I get a text message from John saying that he wished Andrew would quit catching all the fish and give him a turn. I assume it was beginners luck that Andrew kept catching the fish. While waiting on the guys to fish cleaning the boat and hauling the fish and supplies up to the parking lot, Hydie decided she wanted to hang from the ropes like the fishies. So being the non-germaphobe mother that I am, I let her hang from the ropes that are made to hang fish on. Yes, mom I made her wash her hands as soon as we got home. We then spent the rest of the evening packaging fish. Have I told ya'll how wonderful halibut is? If you haven't ever tried any, it's definitely a reason to come to see me! I think that will probably be one of the biggest things I miss about Kodiak when we move.

Thursday night Hydie and I decided since Daddy had a Coast Guard poker tournament to go to that we would have a movie and popcorn night. I finally found Hydie's kettle corn popcorn at Wal-Mart so it was just another reason for us to have a date. Hydie picked Toy Story (1) for us to watch while we were at Wal-Mart. After getting Carter to bed, Hydie and I snuggled up in the big chair and watched Toy Story and ate popcorn. Gosh, I love moments like these! Makes me want to freeze time.

John had to work most of the weekend due to contractors doing installs, and he had duty on Saturday night. Since Daddy was away, I decided to try a new recipe I found for pulled pork in the crock-pot. It cooks for 12 hours and then you take it out and shred it. I started it around 8 p.m. so it would be ready Sunday morning for Father's Day supper that night. I had to give myself time just in case it didn't turn out. Around 2:15 a.m. I was woken up by this loud bang noise and then lighter tap noises. Of course, the first thing that ran through my mind was the crock-pot. I immediately jump out of bed and run to the kitchen expecting the top to the crock-pot to be tossed across the kitchen and there to be roast and onions splattered all over my cabinets....Negative. I then decide that it must have been someone throwing something into the dumpster since the dumpster is right outside our house. I go into the bathroom and look out the window. To my surprise, their is a HUGE bear standing against the dumpster pulling trash out. The only thing I could think at the time was that I needed to call the military police before he does some real damage or gets into the road. I watch milpol drive through with their light on, but the bear in no where in site. After a few minutes, I hear the same noise but this time it sounds farther away. I figure he has moved to the next dumpster across the playground. Then I hear the milpol truck make this loud beep noise. I head back to the window and I see the bear stick his head out of the dumpster and then jump out. Milpol then followed him up through housing and finally off base. My adrenaline continued going the rest of the night. All I could think about was the bear "breaking" into my house because he smelled the roast cooking. No, I have never heard of bears breaking into home because they smell something cooking, but what else was I suppose to think about at 3 a.m.. I'm just thankful John was on watch during all this commotion so he could at least calm me down a little.
These pictures were taken from a friend on base the same night I saw the bear. In the midst of calling milpol I never thought to grab my camera. My camera is now living on my night stand just in case the bear comes back.

Sunday, after John came home from work we finally were able to celebrate Father's Day with him. We had pulled pork sandwiches (that were wonderful by the way), baked beans, fries and key line pie for dessert. We then went to the park by our house and played until bathtime. I hope all my favorite daddies had a very good father's day. Especially Happy Father's Day to my daddy and John's daddy! Thank ya'll both for raising us to be honest, hard working people who love our Lord. We definitely would not be the people we are today if it wasn't for ya'll! We love you!!!

I am still in the job hunting stage, well I guess you can say I have advanced from the hunting stage to the waiting stage. And if you know me, you know I don't wait very well. I am about to go crazy waiting to hear something, anything. Please continue for me to allow God to guide me in the direction He needs me to follow, and that I will know soon as to what that is He wants me to do.