Romans 8:28 says, "And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them."
This verse is one we have been clinging to lately. With all the questions we don't have answers to yet, we have to remember that we must keep our trust in God; and he will bless us more than we could ever imagine. We are praying we will have some answers soon, but we are also remembering we must be patient.
For now, we are going to live in the present and not dwell on the future. So, here is a recap of this past week. After much prayer and talking, we have decided it is best that I return to my job as a stay at home mom. This is was an extremely hard decision to make, but sometimes we have to do things that we really don't want to do. As of September 1st, I will be home.

Hydie and Daddy Heading Down to the River
Carter now has 3 teeth. He is continuing to practice walking and has mastered getting into everything. Hydie is still the princess and LOVES her dress up clothes. She has recently masted the "big" playground (she use to be terrified of the tunnel slide). Hydie has also learned to count to 15 in order and she is working very hard on her alphabet.

The other night I was giving myself a little pedicure and cutting Hydie's finger nails. After Hydie was done, she decided Daddy needed a pedicure too. I'm sure Carter would have had to endure the "fun" also, but he lucked out and was already in bed. John was a great sport, and he allowed Hydie to work on his feet. He's such a great daddy!

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