The last blog entry I caught up on what we did while in Mississippi. Now, since we have been home we have had valentine's day and played in the snow! Valentine's day was so nice to be able to hang out with John and Hydie all day! Hydie and I didn't even get out of our pjs! I cooked v-day breakfast (heart-shaped pancakes, eggs, and bacon) and John cooked a FANTASTIC dinner (my favorite- Shrimp and chicken alfredo, green beans, corn, and key lime pie for dessert)!!

Hydie had lots of fun on love day too!

She had a few happies from John and I but CiCi and Pop-Pop also sent special v-day happies to their love bug! A few before valentine's Hydie and her friend Lindsey went on a little sled ride through the yard!

They had so much fun and played and played until their hands got cold! Since then we haven't had much going on!
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