Yes, I know it has been forever since I updated! So here's a quick update...After Hydie's birthday, we had Christmas with John, he left for a patrol, Hydie and I flew to Mississippi, went to Adam's wedding, spent Christmas with the Carter's, Hyde's, Fulghum's, and Gallagher's, and had Hydie another birthday party with family and friends from Mississippi.

To say the least, we have been a little busy! We were in Mississippi from December 11-February 1. John flew in on the 28th to see his Nana that is very ill and flew back home to Kodiak with Hydie and I on the 1st. I am so very thankful I had John's help this time on the flights. Hydie was quite a handful.

The day after we got home, Hydie FINALLY began walking on her own without holding on to things. Now, she is all over the place and I can't keep her still!

My baby girl is getting so big! I want to thank everyone for everything ya'll did for us in Mississippi! We are so blessed to have such awesome family and friends! It was so good to be able to visit with each and every one of you!