This past week has been a little crazy. Wednesday, my friend Tabitha came over and we started making a bag for Hydie's stroller so I don't have to carry the diaper bag everytime we use the stroller since it seems we are doing that alot more often now becuase the weather is getting nicer.

Wednesday night, the guy that was fixing our computer brought it back! Can you say I was extremely excited!!! So the rest of Wednesday John spent uploading software and what not on the computer. Thursday I couldn't wait to start monogramming on my new machine!!! Tabitha came back over and we make some really cute things! I even had my first "customer" Thursday! My mom called and wanted me to monogram a beach towel!!

Friday we did more sewing and monogramming (and of course playing)! When John was home for lunch he told me that the guy that fixed our computer was interested in me making him some polo shirts for the guys that work for him!!! I was head over heals about this!!! So all afternoon that's pretty much all I worked on because I wanted something "perfect". The guy hasn't seem the designs yet but I am so anxious for him to see and tell me what he thinks! Hydie is officially sitting up by herself more times than not and we are currently eating carrots and sweet potatoes! She like the potatoes way more than she likes the carrots but who wouldn't!!!
I LOVE that monogramming!!!!! You figured out how to use it already! Great job!
The picture of Hydie in the hat and sunglasses always makes me smile when I see your posts on CC - it's an awesome picture :)
The monogramming is cool! What a great idea!
Hope all is going well! I have missed you on the blog! I can't wait to see a new picture of Hydie... I know she's growing so fast!
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