Monday, November 16, 2009

Past Couple Weeks!

She's my heart
My Sweet Little Angel
Hydie kisses are the best!
She's a daddy's girl!

Carter's first "real" bath

We have been trying to get back into some kind of routine since life is beginning to calm down a little. Mr. John & Mrs. Jenni flew back home on Saturday the 7th and John went back to work on the 9th. So I have been spending my days trying to figure out how to juggle both kids and the dog with only 2 hands. I am learning, Hydie is learning and everyday gets easier. Well, I say it's getting easier but Hydie began running a fever and becoming sick on Friday morning. We get her into the doctor's office Friday afternoon to confirm that she and John both have H1N1. We were all given Tamiflu and sent home to rest. So far, Carter and I have avoided catching it and we are praying that little Carter doesn't get it since he is so little and a fever could put him in the hospital. Speaking of Carter, I took him to his well-baby check-up today to find out our little angel is already 9.06lbs. and 21.5in. long! Can we say we are going to have a football player on our hands? Well, I know ya'll are ready for some pictures so here are a few I have taken this past week or so....

Daddy's hand!
Big Sister is already good at being bossy....SSSHHHH Carter
My Sweet, Sweet Babies
Carter Lindley 3 weeks old
Sweet Little Feet
Holding on tight to Mommy's heart
Big Yawn

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Hydie's 2nd Birthday!

Thank you Young family for the talking backpack

Friday, November 6, 2009 our little princess or should I say "explorer" turned 2! I can't believe that time has flown by SOOOO fast. It seems like yesterday that I was in Mississippi having Hydie Bug, and now she is saying a couple word sentences and being a little mommy to her new baby brother. She is now 28 lbs. of muscle and 34 in. tall...Can we say she is getting big?
Thank you Aunt Sharon for the Dora Castle

To celebrate Hydie Grace turning 2, we had a Dora Fiesta on Friday night. We all had so much fun and we thank everyone for coming and celebrating with us

Thank you Pop-Pop & CiCi for the Dora Hat
Thank you Mimi Janice and Papaw John for the 4-wheeler

Saturday, November 7, 2009

MiMi Jenni and Poppy Came to Visit!

MiMi Jenni and Poppy flew in the Friday after Carter was born for a week visit. It was SO good to see them! I can't thank them enough for all the help this past week! Getting adjusted to having a 2 year old and a newborn is quite exhausting and it was so nice to help cleaning, cooking and loving on babies. Hydie definitely appreciates all the attention and we ALL are going to miss MiMi and Poppy next week for sure!

Trick or Treat!

This was Carter's very first Halloween and Hydie's first Halloween see actually understood how to go trick or treating.

Hydie was the cutest little pumpkin in Kodiak and Carter was the most adorable little giraffe! Since Carter was only 6 days old, we only went to a few friends' homes to trick or treat, but at the last house Hydie learned how to say "trick or treat."
Mr. John and Mrs. Jenni flew in the day before to visit and meet our little Carter so they also enjoyed the festivities with us.
Halloween morning we carved our pumpkin and roasted pumpkin seeds and then MiMi Jenni went with us Trick or Treating that night. Poppy stayed at the house to hand out candy.

Carter Lindley Gallagher

I know it has been FOREVER since I updated but I promise I will try to do better! Our family has been blessed with the birth of Carter Lindley Gallagher. He was born on October 25, 2009 at 4:22 A.M. at the Kodiak Hospital. He was 8 lbs. 6 oz. and 21 in. long. Hydie is doing an awesome job as a new big sister!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Easter Bunny

This morning the Easter bunny was at the National Guard Armory taking pictures with little ones. When I read the advertisement, I knew I had to take Hydie to have her picture taken and meet the Easter bunny. This was Hydie's first encounter with anything like this (dressed up character). To say the least, Hydie was extremely terrified! I did get a couple pictures of her screaming her head off but other than that, she was not having anything to do with the Easter bunny or anybody but me for that matter.

Pee Pee In the Potty!!

Yes, we have been singing "pee pee in the potty" song this week! We bought Hydie her first big girl potty this week! We put it together Wednesday night and so far she has pee peed 4 times on it! She loves her potty and loves to sit on it. However, she has to have a book or her "laptop" while sitting on the potty. She is way too much like her daddy! My goal is to have her potty trained before June but of course that is just a goal and I am not going to force her to go on the potty if she doesn't want to. I am trying to make this a fun experience and stress free (will see how long this last!). Today at Wal-Mart they finally had some Gerber training pants (like little panties with extra padding) so we will see how well they work. If anyone has any potty training advice, I am all ears!