I apologize for letting my blog go for so long without any new updates! But here's a little recap...First off, Hydie is growing like a little weed!! She is almost 8 months old and weighs right at 18 lbs. She cut her first tooth this past week and to say the least, I hope it's a few more weeks before she cuts another one. Hydie is scooting EVERYWHERE and getting into everything!! She isn't actually crawling yet but boy is she mobile!

She is eating quite a few things from the table now (mashed potatoes, french fries ((her favorite)), peas, noodles, pretty much anything that she can suck on and it dissolve in her mouth.) I have started a new job working at Coastline Computers here in Kodiak. We do computer repair and special orders. I will be working pretty much 10-4 or so and the best part is...I get to take Hydie with me! This job is such a blessing from God!!! John is still gone and will hopefully be back in port in a few weeks!!!

As far as my embroidery goes, I have been working up a storm!! I have moved my machine over to my friend Jana's house because I seem to work better over there than I do at my own house! We have been making outfits for Hydie and Jana's kids!! I have found out how to do so many cool things with my machine!
I'm so glad you updated! I've been missing the Hydie stories! I'm so glad everything is going great! I just LOVE her new pictures! Love ya'll!
Thanks girl! Please give Hydie a hug for me... I still need to send her the card that Andrew made for her! After all of this is over maybe I can get it in the mail! Love ya'll!
Oh how cute! I miss you guys already!
hey girl..I did not get the job...it's ok..life goes on.. I can actually enjoy my family! Happy 4th!
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