CiCi & Hydie
Pop-Pop & Hydie

Hydie and I took a "Spring Break" for a few weeks to visit family in Mississippi. We were on the go from day 1. After flying from 12 noon till 8:30 A.m. the next day, we were both exhausted but that didn't stop us from stopping by a few stores on our way to my parents house. It was so good to visit with everyone and of course eat GREAT food!
Poppy & HydieDuring our stay in Mississippi, we celebrated Pop-Pop's birthday (the day we flew in), went on a day trip to New Orleans, went to Den-Den and Poppy's, IT SNOWED!, went to Columbus and had supper with Sarah, Kyle & Railyn and had Hydie's pictures made, had get-togethers at Aunt Nancy's, MiMi Janice's, and Memaw Hellen!

We had so much fun and can't wait till our next visit! Thanks to everyone that help make this visit so special!!! While we were gone, Hydie made some very special memories that I won't ever forget! She started eating cereal and she also cut her first tooth!!! It was so good to visit but it's also so good to be back home in somewhat of a routine!
John Mark & Jessica
Hydie Eating Cereal
Hey There Jade... so glad you enjoyed your trip back home!!!
looks like cum baby girl,i'd love to fill your mouth full of cum and watch it run down your chin
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