She's my heart

My Sweet Little Angel

Hydie kisses are the best!

She's a daddy's girl!

Carter's first "real" bath

We have been trying to get back into some kind of routine since life is beginning to calm down a little. Mr. John & Mrs. Jenni flew back home on Saturday the 7th and John went back to work on the 9th. So I have been spending my days trying to figure out how to juggle both kids and the dog with only 2 hands. I am learning, Hydie is learning and everyday gets easier. Well, I say it's getting easier but Hydie began running a fever and becoming sick on Friday morning. We get her into the doctor's office Friday afternoon to confirm that she and John both have H1N1. We were all given Tamiflu and sent home to rest. So far, Carter and I have avoided catching it and we are praying that little Carter doesn't get it since he is so little and a fever could put him in the hospital. Speaking of Carter, I took him to his well-baby check-up today to find out our little angel is already 9.06lbs. and 21.5in. long! Can we say we are going to have a football player on our hands? Well, I know ya'll are ready for some pictures so here are a few I have taken this past week or so....